Sunday, April 20, 2008

I went on a date.

I went on a date with a friend of one of my students.

That's the short version of the story. The longer, more truthful version explains that it is a 22-year-old co-worker of hers, sort of. The student sometimes works for her dad and this girl is her dad's secretary. It was all set up because of this girl through facebook. She sent me a message and we talked back and forth briefly and decided to meet up last Friday. Despite me seeing her picture on facebook, it was basically a blind date. I wasn't nervous, but the whole idea of it was not very appealing to me at first: being set up by one of my students. Either way, it was a fun night even though I had a really bad cold (that didn't seem to matter to her wink wink BOING). We got dinner, had some drinks, and then hung out afterward. Her name is Karen.

In other more exciting news, I was really happy to get an email from this guy who is the executive director of the Chicago Improv Festival last week. It's a festival that happens once a year and I've been really lucky to help out the last couple years, but last year I was not chosen to help out much, thinking I just didn't have the theater background they were looking for or something. Well, the email came out of the blue asking if I wanted to help out. I didn't even know he had my address even though I'd emailed him before. So I'm going to get to help out during the week of June 2-8 (if anyone wants to come to some good shows, I can probably recommend a couple). Tix are usually around $25 for mainstage shows and cheaper for sideshows, which can still be really good. I'm also going to be helping out for the previews which are this coming weekend at the Second City. I'm really excited to be able to help out and rub shoulders with some people I really admire. There are usually some rather famous people there in the comedy world, and the cool thing is that they're all usually really friendly and excited to talk to someone who looks up to them. Quite a few SNL people are there every year and you can go and get drinks with everyone afterward and lots of other big names in Chicago improv are there, too.

Also, Mike and I are contemplating moving to Amsterdam. Anyone know anything about living in Europe?


Thom said...

Date = sexy-time... very nice!
Improv = congrats!
Living in Europe = ask Lindsay Woodall.

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Wireless, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Unknown said...

I'm not sure who this person is, but maybe they clicked on Palmer's ad while they were here. I'm thinking it's just someone who's from Brasil and is promoting wireless services for Brasil in the US. Makes sense.

Thom said...

Woo! Ad money!