The definitive blog for "those people" who were in Smith in "those years." Keep up with which Collins Smith Grounders and where they are since graduation.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
1) Talk to women
2) Do things I don't want to do (see 1)
3) Somehow start having as much fun as I did in college again, which will entail a high amount of productivity, and lots of time with new and old friends.
4) Road trip. I'm really serious about this one. Two summers in a row have failed me. I want it.
Saturday, December 04, 2010
One of the following people needs to die in the next 27 days
Fidel Castro
Ariel Sharon
Muhammad Ali
Zsa Zsa Gabor
Kirk Douglas
Roger Ebert
Ernest Borgnine
Margaret Thatcher
Dick Cheney
Stephen Hawking
Henry Kissinger
Jack LaLanne
Mickey Rooney
Ray Bradbury
Why, you may ask, do I want one of these people to die? Because the celebrity death pool between Thom and I has put me in the hole. Thom's LAST CHOICE was Gloria Stuart. And I just checked up on all his people and she bit it back in September. Lucky bastard.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Fortune cookie: You will enjoy a trip to Asia soon
Still - what's better than a trip to Japan? A free trip to Japan! What's even better than a free trip to Japan? BEING PAID to go to Japan, which is exactly what I'll be doing this December 6th-11th.
Okay, so I might have to give a presentation defending our company's new model train product ideas to a group of 30 individuals who don't really speak English and want desperately to shut the US branch down, and my failure may put both me and five other individuals out of a job as well as hasten the end of an entire hobby industry, but still! Japan! And I'm being paid to go!
Monday, November 08, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
What do I get out of it? Starting in around January, I'll get to perform with a group of people that I've known the past year and a half one night a week in front of paying audience members, I'll get to see any shows for free, and I'll get to interact and work with people I've admired for years. And anyone that's ever thought I sucked at anything, if they see me on stage they can basically just shove it. Please come see me perform so you can share in my joy. Just do it on a night that we don't suck as a group. Cause that can still happen, easily.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
I think I need some new music
I'm interested in the following, but will take other stuff. Thom, I'm looking in your direction particularly as you're usually the one who reads this and also because you have been my best source for new music.
1) I heard the Walkmen's album "You and Me" is pretty good.
2) I want MGMT's first album "Oracular Spectacular"
3) There's still some Modest Mouse I don't have
4) I need more of The Smiths & Morrissey
5) Likewise for Mos Def and Of Montreal
6) Blind Melon's "Soup"
7) More of the Black Keys (all I have is "Magic Potion)
8) Anything else that you think is great
I need the music because my life sucks right now thanks to my job. New music fuels my fire and I haven't had any new fuel for a while.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
You can't make this stuff up.
"A man described as mentally unstable stopped his pickup truck in rural, out-of-the-way spots in Illinois and Indiana, randomly asking strangers questions about honeybees before opening fire".
I wish I was there to see it.
Man: "You know honeybees? They're weird."
Stranger: Whatever you say.
Man: DIE [takes gun out].
The Lo(a)ner
Why, oh why, do you think I have money? I selected "income-contingent" because I thought you would realize I don't have a lot of money, but apparently you like getting all theoretical, annualizing money that I don't have, nay, never will have each year as you estimate the "fair" payments I should make each month. Hopefully, my latest letter to you will clear things up. Thank you for your time. And yes, I refuse to be your friend, you lo(a)ner.
The Borrower
P.S.-Somewhere stored away in a closet there is a piece of paper that I paid way too much money for and now I can't make a profit off it. It would've been a good investment had the economy decided to remain healthy. Bummer, just a bummer.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
And with this post...
The bad news, the good news, and the ugly news
It doesn't look like the job I thought I was going to get, the one that would have been permanent, will be mine after all. About a month ago someone made it sound like it was going to happen and then... nothing. And I can't afford to wait around worrying where my next paycheck is going to come from so, since my contract with them is up in a few weeks, I went on to...
I landed a three- to four-month contract with another company. It was totally out of the blue, but perfect timing. They actually want me to start the day my other contract ends, which couldn't be more satisfying. Plus, the position offers me more opportunity to manage, which means I'll be building new marketable skills instead of doing essentially the same thing day-in and day-out.
I'm still far from my ultimate goals, but I suppose I should look at the bright side: 1) I have goals and 2) I have my whole life to reach them.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Come see me perform!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
an annual sara update!
Hello! It’s been about 11 months since my last post, when I announced that I lost my job but gained a boyfriend. I kept saying to myself “I will post again when I get a job and have something good to report.” Well, the day has come! I just got hired for a temp position as an assistant to the school nurse at a middle school on the south side. It’s just data entry and filing, and will most likely only last 3 or 4 months, but still, it’s something.
Being unemployed for nearly a year has definitely been a learning/growing experience for me. I spent most of the year being depressed, doubting my skills as a social worker, and not knowing what to do with my life. I had always been an overachiever and worked really hard at school and then at my job, so when that was taken away from me I just didn’t know what to do with myself. You don’t realize how much of your identity is tied up in what you do for a living until your job is gone.
It took about 10 months for me to finally realize there is more to life than working and making money. I realized being unemployed was not the waste of time I thought it was, and I actually accomplished quite a lot in the last year. When I had a job, all I wanted was a boyfriend, someone who really knew me and I could talk to about anything. And here I am, about to celebrate my one year anniversary with Matt! I’ve never been in a serious relationship or been in love before, so the fact that I’ve been with Matt for so long is a huge accomplishment for me, just as big and important as landing my dream job. I’ve also become a lot closer with my parents, and especially my brother, whom I never used to talk to at all. I’ve gotten more involved in my hobbies, such as taking dance classes again, doing yoga multiple times a week, knitting, and learning to cook. I’ve had the time to really think about and work on things I didn’t like about myself, and finally break some bad habits, such as my m&ms addiction. And I’ve also been able to do a lot of fun things in the city that I wouldn’t have been able to do if I was still living and working in the suburbs. So while I’m still not sure what’s gonna happen with my social work career, I am much happier with other aspects of my life than I ever have been.
Here are some other exciting things I’ve done this year:
-went to Vegas for the first time
-had my car window broken and ipod stolen
-learned how to file a police report and insurance claim
-had some minor surgery on my cervix
-saw Lady Gaga at lollapalooza
-went on a yacht in Lake Michigan
-went to my first Sox game and Bears game
-ate a lot of sushi
-gotten much better at NY Times crossword puzzles
Monday, September 20, 2010
How cute!
Now, as a buzz-kill to that, cute kittens dressed in suits:
Be honest...
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Friday, September 03, 2010
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
I'm going to try and post more.
School starts in five days. September 7th, to be exact. I'm totally unprepared (not totally my fault). I have read a lot this summer, but the curriculum of the course was changed by the admin like three weeks before school started, so even if I had done a lot of prep work it would have been a waste. Also, I tend to underestimate my abilities and over-worry myself. Mostly, I'm just bummed because it's so great to be so free in the summer and get personal things done (reading, organizing, etc.) that I can't do in the school year when I am swamped. And I will be swamped this year, since it's a new school and subject. I will mostly miss seeing all my friends. In addition to being overly busy, I know being in the city prevents me from seeing people as often. That sucks a lot, and I don't know what will happen to change that.
In addition, my kitchen is still non-existent. I hooked up my new fridge five days ago, and it was the first fully functional fridge my place has had in its year of existence. So it was a great relief to have an appliance hooked up at all, first of all, and secondly to have it work well. The rest of the place is in shambles - no mounted cabinets, no functional range, nowhere to sit, and a bedroom full of most of my furniture and everything else I could cram in, leaving nowhere to maneuver freely. My one place of refuge is the 10 sq. ft. around my computer. I hope that it's all done soon, like in a few weeks, ideally, so that when I'm stressed after a day of school I can come home, relax on a couch, watch TV, and make some food. All things I can't do right now.
Finally, on the new student front, I saw some of the names of the students I'll be having next year. It only took two names before one of them was named after liquor. Cavoursier. It's a misspelling, I know, but it still sounds the same. I saw some more names today. Majestic was one. It's an interesting cultural phenomenon. Maybe that would be a good name for a kid. Phenomenon. Phenomenon Waple. I actually kind of like it. And kids would call him 'Nom for short.
Anyway, I hope all's well and that those of you looking for jobs are making progress. I'll be really stressed this year, but really thankful to have a job too. Please come visit me any time.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Celebrity death pool revisited
Do we want to spurn some new interest by adding some new people to the hit list?
Friday, July 23, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Steve's Wedding
Monday, May 24, 2010

It cost a little more, but the cool news is it came with

In other news, I finally got a cell phone. Ben, I need your number. Mike told me he got a call from you the other day and I thought you were still out of the country. So I don't know what the right way to reach you is, but I want your number so I can drunk dial you.
Also, renovations on my condo will hopefully start sometime this June and finish in July. I hope you all can come down and spend some fun times in the city with me this summer. If you need any reasons, here's the best one: I live a mile from a beach. It'd be really fun to have a day at the beach and then come back and hang out in the city, have dinner, drink, and play video games. Raise your hand if that sounds good. Both of mine are up.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Never call me cheap again

This is a piece of paper signed by all four Beatles in 1963. I have wanted something like this most of my life, and yes, there is a part of me that is wondering why I'm spending thousands of dollars on a piece of paper. However, there's another part of me that says, "Cause it's fucking awesome. That's why."
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Radiohead performance!
Monday, February 01, 2010
My new job
There's a lot I still don't know about the job. I don't know what I'm teaching yet or if they'll want me to coach anything. All I know is that I'm going to be super busy and that I'm getting a huge pay raise from my current job. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm mostly just relieved. Getting a new job has been on my list for a while and I was really going to be in a pinch if I was at the same school again next year, earning little and being far away from my condo in the city. This new job basically means I can run my life completely independently. I'll get a cell phone. I'll be at my condo all the time. I'll meet new people in the city. And I'll pay for it all. That last part I'm not so excited about, but I guess it's all part of growing up that I've staved off long enough. I just hope that with this new job I have time to do the things I love: See improv shows, do improv, exercise, possibly even get a girlfriend (gasp) and keep my sanity. On the other hand, getting a new job right now is pretty hard to do. I had emailed districts I had connections with to see what their status was for this coming year and not only were they not hiring, they were actually cutting back. That put my new job into a new perspective - not that I didn't know already that it was an ugly job market.
I don't know how long I'll be at this new school because you never know what can happen, but I hope they like me as much as the administration liked me at my current school. It's nice to feel like your job is secure. I also don't know how often I'll be seeing all my friends who are now not so near as before. I know it's not easy to come into the city, but that's going to be my biggest concern - keeping up friendships with people I won't see as often. That being said, everyone is welcome at my place literally any time for as long as you want. I'll put pictures up of what it looks like soon, but most have seen it and I still don't have a bed. So whenever I get things all tricked out you'll see what it looks like.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
There's a football fan in all of us

Sunday, January 17, 2010
What are the top three things you would want to do for a living?
Rock star
Famous comedian
Advocate for the poor
Dodgeball business owner