Thursday, September 23, 2010

an annual sara update!

Hello! It’s been about 11 months since my last post, when I announced that I lost my job but gained a boyfriend. I kept saying to myself “I will post again when I get a job and have something good to report.” Well, the day has come! I just got hired for a temp position as an assistant to the school nurse at a middle school on the south side. It’s just data entry and filing, and will most likely only last 3 or 4 months, but still, it’s something.

Being unemployed for nearly a year has definitely been a learning/growing experience for me. I spent most of the year being depressed, doubting my skills as a social worker, and not knowing what to do with my life. I had always been an overachiever and worked really hard at school and then at my job, so when that was taken away from me I just didn’t know what to do with myself. You don’t realize how much of your identity is tied up in what you do for a living until your job is gone.

It took about 10 months for me to finally realize there is more to life than working and making money. I realized being unemployed was not the waste of time I thought it was, and I actually accomplished quite a lot in the last year. When I had a job, all I wanted was a boyfriend, someone who really knew me and I could talk to about anything. And here I am, about to celebrate my one year anniversary with Matt! I’ve never been in a serious relationship or been in love before, so the fact that I’ve been with Matt for so long is a huge accomplishment for me, just as big and important as landing my dream job. I’ve also become a lot closer with my parents, and especially my brother, whom I never used to talk to at all. I’ve gotten more involved in my hobbies, such as taking dance classes again, doing yoga multiple times a week, knitting, and learning to cook. I’ve had the time to really think about and work on things I didn’t like about myself, and finally break some bad habits, such as my m&ms addiction. And I’ve also been able to do a lot of fun things in the city that I wouldn’t have been able to do if I was still living and working in the suburbs. So while I’m still not sure what’s gonna happen with my social work career, I am much happier with other aspects of my life than I ever have been.

Here are some other exciting things I’ve done this year:

-went to Vegas for the first time

-had my car window broken and ipod stolen

-learned how to file a police report and insurance claim

-had some minor surgery on my cervix

-saw Lady Gaga at lollapalooza

-went on a yacht in Lake Michigan

-went to my first Sox game and Bears game

-ate a lot of sushi

-gotten much better at NY Times crossword puzzles


Thom said...

Sara, I'm proud of you, for many reasons. Congrats!

Unknown said...

I am glad to hear you got a job, even if it's temp. It's nice to rake in some dough again.

I also found one part of your post funny.
"I’ve never been in a serious relationship or been in love before, so the fact that I’ve been with Matt for so long is a huge accomplishment for me."
It makes me think you don't love him. Maybe you don't, but I think you meant to imply you did. Whichever it is, congrats on the one year mark. That's about as long as my longest relationship ever, and I haven't come close in almost a decade. Now I am depressed.