The definitive blog for "those people" who were in Smith in "those years." Keep up with which Collins Smith Grounders and where they are since graduation.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
This one goes out to Rob...
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
The Weinberg!!!
Monday, October 02, 2006
Monday, August 21, 2006

But it's all good 'cause Christina Aguilera's new cd came out last week and it's sooo awesome, and Danity Kane's cd comes out Aug. 22!!! For those of you who don't follow making the band 3, Danity Kane is the name of the girl group Diddy put together, and they're the best band ever. And Justin has a new cd coming out soon too!!!!!! Yay!
Plus thom, waple, mike, and rob and I are going to see Wicked sept. 30th, so excited to see everyone!!!
Hope everyone's well!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
It's a mee! Mar.. er.. Mikeeoo!
So I've probably been one of the more delinquent members of the Gee when it comes to posting about what I'm doing (since I haven't) and keeping in touch (seeing as I don't, unless you live near me and invite me to something). But look! I'm posting now! Yay! Yay? Yay! I'm out in the 'burbs of chicagoland, about 15 minutes away from Andrew and Thom, 45 minutes or so from Sara (maybe? Sara, invite me to your house sometime so I can see how far away it is), living the high life.
No, it's not that i'm rich or anything. I just happen to live on the top floor of my apartment building. Ha HA! Comic genius!
I'm working for, of all things, a Japanese Model Train Company, doing advertising and warehouse work etcetera etcetera. I'm not going to be a millionaire or a thousandare, but it pays the bills and pays for my monthly alcohol purchases. Bonus! I guess it pays for food too, but meh.
Oh. And in case you didn't guess from the blinding light emanating from that shiny round thing in the picture above, I have no hair. Yes, after years of bitching about how I was going to go bald, I just said "screw it" and shaved it all off. Whee!
Anyway, I'll try to make an effort to read and publish on here more than once ... ever... I make no promises. Anyhoo. I miss everyone! If you're ever in the chicago area, drop by and give me a visit. Yes, that includes you, Andrew, Thom, and Sara. You have no excuse! Visit constantly!
Michael - signing out.
Monday, August 14, 2006
I always need more money

This is one of my favorite photos from the road trip, one of about 5oo I took that I still have to sort. Guess where his other shoe is! Oh Charles. We didn't see him for another 13 hours. I'll get to the others some time, it's just a matter of going from upright to seated.
I'm attending a substitute workshop today at my old high school, which hopefully will get me in as a sub in my district, cause it's the best paying district in the state. That means that in a year I MIGHT actually be able to move out and feel like I have a life again. Here's a list of my friends who have lives:
John - On his way to becoming a millionaire, owns a car, has his own place, and will be in the largest city in the U.S. in a year
Sara - Going to grad school for another couple years of fun without me
Thom - Moving up the ladder as an editor and also owns a car. Did I mention he has written a book?
Rob - He doesn't read this blog so it's okay to say he's an idiot, but he is ALSO going to grad school for two years of fun without me* (3 years in rob time)
Steve - Also has his own place, is working a couple jobs, and gets a lot of sex, apparently, also without me.
Ric - Dancing up a storm in New York or somewhere out east where he's learning all sorts of stuff and then moving to some other place and going to Utah to meet up with some dude who's somehow more awesome than me, and making lots of new friends.
Ben - I have no idea where he is, but I do know he is learning a lot of languages and having all sorts of unique experiences around the world and not telling us all about them cause he's probably too busy to do things like check blogs, talk to friends, but not too busy to make out with a pizza guy in an elevator. I'm not gay and even I'd do that. That's what I'm talking about, unique experiences that you can't have anywhere else in the world but Beirut. Or America. Or Europe. Whatever.
Sarood - Probably making lots of money making his nose even browner than it was before.
Other friends - Owning cars, working lots of money, moving to cool places like Chicago or changing their lives.
I'm working, yes, but it's not a job. It's not a career. I need money to get out of here and move downtown or to Seattle or something and try to figure something out. You know how you start questioning whether you even know yourself when you've been down for a while? I just need a teaching job and I'll feel better. I might as well buy a lottery ticket while I'm at it since lightning strikes twice, or never strikes twice. I don't know. I don't care. Go look it up on wikipedia.
Friday, June 23, 2006
this is it
I can't wait to see what the rest of the country is like. I'll be thinking about you all as we make our way around to Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, and... IOWA!!!! Home of the... state that borders Illinois! How interesting!
Hope to see you all soon.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Sorry to do this here, but it's necessary.
These are the certainties of my life for which I have become extremely aware. If you are a friend of mine, you will nod to one, many, or all of these things. I'm not happy with the way my life is going, and I recognize the following truths:
-I am a terrible friend. See rest of list for details.
-I do not allocate my time in a way that is fit to allow for the return of phone calls, party invitations, or hangout time. The best way I've found to handle this is to work in groups of people.
-I cannot, for the life of me, balance everything I want to do.
-Because of this lack of balance, I try to do everything and fail at most things I attempt, while only barely succeeding in a few. I tend to prioritize these things ahead of my friends, and ahead of time for myself.
-Despite how well I fake it, I do not have my shit together. I'm working on it, but my relationships with those important to me (you all) are taking the toll, and have been for some time.
Why would I post such a personal thing here? Well, for the most part, for therapeutic value.
If you're reading this, it means I have had some significant interaction with you that has had a strong bearing on my life to this point, whether that interaction is still going today is irrelevant. You being able to see this message is my note of thanks to you for helping sculpt the positive points of my life to where it is today.
Now, this should also not be taken as a cry for help. I am not trying to get sympathy or "get well soon" cards. This is simply what it is, an announcement so that you all know that I'm about to completely overhaul my life, and I'm not sure where I'm going to turn out.
Ulitmately, this is also a public apology for all of you whom I've irritated by not keeping in touch or spending enough time with you; I've certainly destroyed enough amazing potential friendships this way. While I can't promise it will change, I can promise that I still will do what I can, when I can.
Mind the gap.
Friday, May 19, 2006
But since graduating college, I have consistently ordered pizza every wednesday night (it's part of my job at the teen center, wednesday is free pizza night), I've been calling dominoe's so much I even have their phone number memorized! Ohhh how I've grown up. Maybe one of these days I'll conquer my fear of ordering other types of food too, like sandwiches, or ooooooo maybe even chinese food! mmmmm. One day.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
A medley
Here's me with all the MadTV stars after I got to interview them. They were pointing at me cause I asked them "Who's the funniest person in America?"

It was a great week, though busy and filled with lots of commuting my first Chicago parking ticket ($50 fucking dollars for forgetting to write a date on my parking pass), and trucking around lots of fluids including beer, water, and Red Bull, as they were sponsoring the Festival.
I also got some good news yesterday that Oak Park high school has a Psychology position open. I am going in to speak to them Wednesday morning so hopefully I'll get offered a position. It'll probably be part time, but still something I'll consider as it's in the area of Chicago that I want to live in and if I can get a full time position later it'll totally be bad ass. Temporarily, I also got a new serving job as the restaurant I'm in now is closing. I'll be working at Arlington Racetrack and getting shift pay rather than tips! I'll make 144.50 for a 9 hour shift and the best part is that I'll be out by 7pm, meaning I'll finally get to have a consistent social life. Hooray! The bad news is that orientation was sunday morning from 9-3 and I COMPLETELY forgot about it. I'm a jerk.
Here is a photo of me from Little 5 weekend, getting down with my buddy Pringles. Fact: I was not drunk.

And here's Rob. Fact: Rob was drunk. Notice the wet spot. Fact: Rob is not graduating.

Monday, May 01, 2006
That's it, I call "uncle."
It's due in 4 hours, and I'm on page 3 of 20. I can't seem to get my head going and motivation for any sort of work is out the window. This is the last big project of my college career, and it's the "big one"- my senior capstone.
No motivation. at. all.
So. Thom, I just need to you come up with a quick little 17-page bit about waveform analysis and matching with regard to audio retreival, matching, and voice identification. The demo website we used is:
If you could just e-mail that to me by 11:45 tonight, that'd be swell. That'll give me time to turn it in.
Thanks, I'm going to Yogi's.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Don't forget to remember what you choose to forget
Monday, April 10, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
dear smith ground...
I know you're all soooo jealous, haha!
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Man arrested in robbery at Peoples Bank

whaaaaaatttt? can someone tell me if this is the maggy baurley we all know and love?
Ryan P. Mobley, 21, taken into custody after appearing at hearing on other charges
By James Boyd
812/331-4370 |
March 15, 2006
In the past week, Detective Sarah Carnes has cracked more cases than a luggage salesman.
The latest came Tuesday morning, with the arrest of a man accused of robbing the Peoples State Bank, 200 E. Kirkwood Ave., on March 2.
Ryan P. Mobley, 21, faces a preliminary charge of robbery after he was taken into custody at the Monroe County Justice Building, where he was appearing Tuesday morning on unrelated felony charges.
Bloomington police Detectives Carnes and Kevin Hill went to the Justice Building Tuesday after receiving several tips that Mobley had committed the robbery.
The callers said that Mobley had been bragging about getting away with the robbery, and had been flashing around several thousand dollars, Bloomington Police Department Detective Sgt. David Drake said.
Detectives pulled a previous mug shot of Mobley from the county’s electronic database and compared it with a surveillance tape taken from the robbery.
Drake said the mug shot was then given to one of the bank’s tellers, who identified Mobley out of a photo lineup.
Carnes tried to track Mobley down, but had a hard time doing so, since Mobley had no permanent address listed.
She checked court records and found Mobley had a court date Tuesday morning, where he was appearing on charges of forgery and theft.
Immediately following the hearing, Mobley was taken into custody and brought to Bloomington police headquarters for questioning.
There he denied any involvement in the incident, and provided an alibi. But Drake said authorities had checked out Mobley’s alibi and determined it to be false.
Carnes also investigated Friday’s robbery of the Regions Bank on College Mall Road. Margaret S. Baurley, 21, was arrested early Sunday morning in connection with that heist.
Authorities are still searching for the man who robbed the Monroe Bank on West Third Street Jan. 25.
Friday, March 10, 2006
I fail at bdays, and bats
However, I've been taking baby steps to get over my fear of the bat, whom I've named Martin. Everyday while he's sleeping I've been going downstairs and looking at him, and taking a couple steps closer and closer, and today I finally made it all the way over to the computer to fix the internet problem. So here I am, on the basement computer typing this entry while Martin is sleeping a mere few yards away from me, hanging from a window shudder. He actually looks kinda cute. I'm still not brave enough to shove him in a box and take him upstairs and throw him out the front door though, maybe tomorrow when my parents come back.
But anyway, shout out to all the march birthdays, whitney, john, steve, and also the jan and feb bdays I missed: ricky, mike, and randall. And most importantly, chuck norris, who's bday is today.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
When the boogey man goes to sleep, he checks his closet for Jack Bauer.
You can lead a horse to water. Jack Bauer can make him drink.
If Jack Bauer was in a room with Hitler, Stalin, and Nina Meyers, and he had a gun with 2 bullets, he'd shoot Nina twice.
If you wake up in the morning, it's because Jack Bauer spared your life.
Upon hearing that he was played by Kiefer Sutherland, Jack Bauer killed Sutherland. Jack Bauer gets played by no man.
Every time you maturbate Jack Bauer kills a terrorist. Not beacuase you masurbated, but because that is how often he kills terrorists.
Osama bin Laden's recent proposal for truce is a direct result of him finding out that Jack Bauer is, in fact, still alive.
Jack Bauer once forgot where he put his keys. He then spent the next half-hour torturing himself until he gave up the location of the keys.
Jack Bauer was never addicted to heroin. Heroin was addicted to Jack Bauer.
1.6 billion Chinese are angry with Jack Bauer. Sounds like a fair fight.
Jack Bauer killed 93 people in just 4 days time. Wait, that is a real fact.
Jack Bauer doesn't miss. If he didn't hit you it's because he was shooting at another terrorist twelve miles away.
Superman wears Jack Bauer pajamas.
Jack Bauer's favorite color is severe terror alert red. His second favorite color is violet, but just because it sounds like violent.
Jack Bauer played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun and won.
If Jack and MacGyver were locked in a room together, Jack would make a bomb out of MacGyver and get out.
Lets get one thing straight, the only reason you are conscious right now is because Jack Bauer does not feel like carrying you.
Jack Bauer is the leading cause of death in Middle Eastern men.
When life gave Jack Bauer lemons, he used them to kill terrorists. Jack Bauer fucking hates lemonade.
Killing Jack Bauer doesn't make him dead. It just makes him angry.
When you open a can of whoop-ass, Jack Bauer jumps out.
Jack Bauer got Hellen Keller to talk.
The quickest way to a man's heart is through Jack Bauer's gun.
Jack Bauer let the dogs out.
Simon Says should be renamed to Jack Bauer Says because if Jack Bauer says something then you better fucking do it.
Jack Bauer can get McDonald's breakfast after 10:30.
Deaf people listen to Jack Bauer.
People with amnesia still remember Jack Bauer.
It would only take 1 bullet for Jack Bauer to kill 50 Cent.
Jack Bauer has been to Mars. Thats why theres no life on Mars.
Monday, February 13, 2006
So if you guys (namely you guys in Chicago) want to do something in Chicago sometime within the next 2 weeks, let's-talk-why-not. Until then, etc.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
How I got a new iPod for $11.14

Some of you may know that my one-year old iPod has been giving me fits for the last couple months. It's only a year old and was in previously good condition until the hard drive started going loopy on me. I have also met other people with the same generation iPod that are having the same damn problem. I was worried and wondering what I'd do without a fully functioning pod. Well. After expressing this problem to a couple of my friends, one of them alerted me to the fact that since it was purchased from CostCo, that I could simply bring it in and get a new one. Of course, I was very skeptical. He told me stories though of how friends of his had gone in with items -- old flat-screen monitors that no longer worked and walked out with two brand-spanking new monitors; even a guy with a cd he purchased there and said to them "I hate this cd" and they gave him his money back. So today, with receipt and membership card in hand, I went in, gave up my baby Murray for adoption (or so it felt), kissed him goodbye, and kissed my $304.50 (bling bling) hello. I then proceeded to high-step/dance my way around the store flaunting my money and filled out the form for my iPod. "Item #: 911614. Item description: Apple iPod music player 30 gigs of awesomeness yeah." After paying the difference of 11 american dollars I had my new iPod. Not only new, but better. It is a video iPod, 30 gigs, and replaces my uncolored 20 gig unvideo iPod. Thank GOD for CostCo. If ANYONE here is considering buying any electronics in the future and has a CostCo near them, the membership is $45 per year and that includes their super awesome warranty that lets you return any items (other than food) that suck. I'm ecstatic.
Now here is a picture of an angry black woman:
She is angry because she did not purchase her iPod at CostCo.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Holy rusted metal!
Saturday, February 04, 2006
I heard they interviewed Chuck Norris about the latest craze in making fun of him. He didn't even realize it's all making fun of him. He viewed it as complimentary and highly flattering. Further proof of how great he is, that he pretend to not be aware of the jokes. I personally think Jean Claude Van Damme should make him cry so we can have cancer cured.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Yah, I am Hans, De Fastest Rider-Vou Shoult All Let Me Ride My Bicycle in Circles, Yah?
Back 30 years ago, you might say the little 500 was in the height of its participation on campus. 80+ teams each year would attempt to qualify in what is known internationally as the “world’s greatest college weekend.” It’s the reason students go crazy almost the full week leading up to the two races, taking part in drinking heavily and attending concerts with big headliners. The traditions surrounding the race are steeped heavily in the structure and rules laid out in its formation in 1919.
IUSF has come into question with recent changes to the race’s format- last year’s repeated changing of the gearing of bikes for the women’s race, disqualification of the director of Team Major Taylor, and now the biggest change yet- allowing category 1 and 2 riders to enter the race (ids articles 1|2). The United States Cycling Federation, which licenses most cyclists in the country, has 5 categories- once a rider wins enough races to get to a 1 or 2 status, they’re considered “professional.” Until now, only categories 3 to 5 were allowed in the race.
The issues here are many- the first being that the rule itself makes exception for the very people trying to institute it, as they either already fall under category 2 status or will next year. The rider’s council is dominated by top-tier teams, which is hardly representative of the array of riders who participate each year- how can this change be made without the rule-makers only benefiting themselves? Even if a change like this is implemented, the appropriate thing to do is to implement it retroactively.
Finally, consider the changes the rule itself makes. In more recent years, the field has barely been able to be filled for the women’s race and only ends up cutting a few extra teams from those who attempt to qualify in the men’s. Cycling has gotten more advanced- it’s getting harder for new teams to enter the race and be successful, and now they want new riders to try and compete with professionals?
The foundations of this race were not to rocket athletes into cycling fame. It was about a group of guys, riding around a building in the Collins (MRC) courtyard. What a way to disgrace Howdy Wilcox and everyone else who helped root and grow the little 500 into what it is today.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
I've got nothing of relevance to say.
Other than that, I really need to get a job. Why do I feel like that's painting myself into a corner? Jobs require lots of time and work and are taken to provide money. With more money comes more spending (and mo' problems* see Notorious B.I.G.). Jobs eliminate free time/post-pone it for a later date. Why not just not take a job, spend less money, and have all the free time one wants? And does anyone notice how all the people on the show The Real World now lead quite unreal lives? Every time I switch on MTV they're playing some dumbass team games for money surrounded by beautiful people on some tropical beach. The unfortunate ones give talks across the country for big bucks. Where is this a REAL WORLD? One of the many reasons I hate MTV. Moron TV (and we sometimes play noise, which some call "music"). Whores. This sucks.
And as for my dating life, my last date was with my grandma last weekend. No joke.
I can't flip off the world hard enough.
Hope everyone is well.