whaaaaaatttt? can someone tell me if this is the maggy baurley we all know and love?
Ryan P. Mobley, 21, taken into custody after appearing at hearing on other charges
By James Boyd
812/331-4370 | jboyd@heraldt.com
March 15, 2006
In the past week, Detective Sarah Carnes has cracked more cases than a luggage salesman.
The latest came Tuesday morning, with the arrest of a man accused of robbing the Peoples State Bank, 200 E. Kirkwood Ave., on March 2.
Ryan P. Mobley, 21, faces a preliminary charge of robbery after he was taken into custody at the Monroe County Justice Building, where he was appearing Tuesday morning on unrelated felony charges.
Bloomington police Detectives Carnes and Kevin Hill went to the Justice Building Tuesday after receiving several tips that Mobley had committed the robbery.
The callers said that Mobley had been bragging about getting away with the robbery, and had been flashing around several thousand dollars, Bloomington Police Department Detective Sgt. David Drake said.
Detectives pulled a previous mug shot of Mobley from the county’s electronic database and compared it with a surveillance tape taken from the robbery.
Drake said the mug shot was then given to one of the bank’s tellers, who identified Mobley out of a photo lineup.
Carnes tried to track Mobley down, but had a hard time doing so, since Mobley had no permanent address listed.
She checked court records and found Mobley had a court date Tuesday morning, where he was appearing on charges of forgery and theft.
Immediately following the hearing, Mobley was taken into custody and brought to Bloomington police headquarters for questioning.
There he denied any involvement in the incident, and provided an alibi. But Drake said authorities had checked out Mobley’s alibi and determined it to be false.
Carnes also investigated Friday’s robbery of the Regions Bank on College Mall Road. Margaret S. Baurley, 21, was arrested early Sunday morning in connection with that heist.
Authorities are still searching for the man who robbed the Monroe Bank on West Third Street Jan. 25.
Wow... I can only hope it's not. That sounds like the Maggy. I'm completely amazed.
Yeah. It was me. The infamous Maggy Baurley. Isn't that the most crazy insane mind blowing shit you've ever heard?
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