Friday, July 23, 2010


If you're in or within a reasonable radius of Chicago and you're an awesome friend, let's all plan a big get-together soon. Who's in?


Unknown said...


shinysara said...

I'm in!

Thom said...

So, when are you all freest?

shinysara said...

we should all go to dan berlin's yacht thing and hang out then! aside from that I'm free the following weekend (aug. 27-28), and most weekends in september

Unknown said...

I agree with what sara said. I assume what he meant about his party is that it's yacht-themed, right?

Unknown said...

Nevermind. I see on fb that this is a real yacht. Wow. And I just realized that's the same night as the last demolition derby I can make it to. DAMN! Decisions!

Thom said...

It's a yacht party, Waple. A YACHT PARTY! Seriously. No brainer.

shinysara said...