Sunday, February 14, 2010

happy valentine's day.


Unknown said...

I have no recollection of this whatsoever, which makes it that much better. I miss all these people.

Unknown said...

By the way, Weinberg, nice to hear from you! How's life? Still living it up at the commune?

Thom said...

When were these photos taken? I agree, I miss everyone in the photo in addition to Ms. Weinberg herself.

lauren said...

These pictures are from December 2006 (at least that's what my computer's photo gallery says). I cooked a big dinner for you all, and am pretty sure that I made you (Waple and Thom) pick up challah bread from the Bakehouse. Oh, memories.

Um, Waple. I live and work on a farm (which is like a commune but there are more goats).

Unknown said...

Now I remember. That's one of the few hebrew words I know, thanks to you. We had a good laugh about shouting "challaaaah!" That was a fun night, which makes me think you should do what all the cool kids are doing and move to Chicago.

Thanks for posting all these old pics. Put some up of yourself so we can remember what you look like and see what you're doing so Mike can fawn over your goats!

Lindsay Anne said...

These photos make me smile

Thom said...

Woo-hoo! Comments from Lauren AND Lindsay! We all need to reunite, including those not in Chicagoland... somehow.

Thom said...

Best. Dinner. Ever.

Unknown said...

Aaaaaaaand Ric is licking me. Great.