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Monday, November 24, 2008
I've been studying relationships.
In order to better understand the interactions of people and to try and self-diagnose my lack of interest in relationships (and also to deal with the fact that a new division in my company has relevance), I've been gathering data on said subject.
Here's one of the greatest visuals supporting the biggest theory:
Consequently, is one of the best sites I've visited in a while, maybe next to the infamous fail blog (an oldie, but a goodie).
Oh, no-- I only wish I could take credit for it. The good people at pulled that together. I just thought it was very true.
Wapes, the fail blog is something I think you'd really enjoy:
I'm surprised you haven't heard of it before; seems like something you'd get excited about, because it's people like some of your students, making hilarious misspellings on public signs and not even checking their work, or using a toilet in the family photo.
that is freakin awesome, good job john
did you make that or find it on that site? I see lots of entertaining stuff there. I've never heard of fail blog though.
Oh, no-- I only wish I could take credit for it. The good people at pulled that together. I just thought it was very true.
Wapes, the fail blog is something I think you'd really enjoy:
I'm surprised you haven't heard of it before; seems like something you'd get excited about, because it's people like some of your students, making hilarious misspellings on public signs and not even checking their work, or using a toilet in the family photo.
That graph looks like a depiction of a [i]cunning linguist[/i], if you get my drift.
Or maybe I'm just dirty in the brain.
I fail HTML tagging for using board tags instead. faaaaail.
I think it's hilarious that awkwardness is listed twice.
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