Sunday, April 06, 2008

Rob's show

To those of you going to Rob's show May 3rd, I was just talking to Kelly and she's going, too. I had thrown out the idea of possibly carpooling half way and it looks like we'll (us and Kelly) both cross right by Michigan City. In this day and age of gas prices and global warming, it might be nice to take one car. I know we didn't talk at all yet about who's driving, so we can figure that out soon if you want. But maybe we'd also be able to grab lunch there since I think we'll be there maybe around lunch time and leave the car wherever we eat. It'll only be there about a day anyway cause it's such a short trip. Let me know.


Thom said...

Sounds like a great plan!

Michael said...

I just realized that I'll be on vacation that week. Hooray! But if it means that I go somewhere, I might miss the show. Boo. But I probably wont go anywhere, hooraboo!?

shinysara said...

I'm all for saving money, but here are my concerns: I don't mind driving, but I'm not sure how this carpooling thing is gonna work since we all live on opposite sides of the city, as in, I don't want to drive west to pick you guys up when rob lives east. But I realize people are gonna have to drive out of their way no matter who drives or how we meet up, so we'll have to find a compromise. Second, I'm fine with picking up Kelly, but I'd be really nervous about leaving my car overnight somewhere random, I don't wanna come back the next day and find out it got towed. So I guess my main concern is time management and getting to our destination as quick as possible, and saving money is second priority for me.

Thom said...

If I have to drive somewhere to meet up with you for the carpool, that's fine with me.

Where exactly are we meeting up with Kelly? Surely there must be some sort of safe parking available around there somewhere...

Unknown said...

Well, like I was saying, Thom. I figure we'd meet at some restaurant since it'd probably be around lunch time so it'd be convenient. And if we go to a restaurant that's well known and open late such as a Friday's, then cars are probably always there. Besides, it's only a day anyway since we're coming back so soon.

Sara, as for what you were saying, the way I see it it's unfortunately either you or me driving because Thom and Mike each have smaller cars. I don't mind driving, the only thing is I think I drive slower than most people cause it saves a lot of gas to go about 60 rather than 80. Also, even though I know it's a pain to go west, it makes a lot more sense for you to come west then for me, Mike, and Thom to come to you. If you don't like it, move to Palatine where all the other cool people live.

Thom said...


shinysara said...

well if I drive, the farthest west I'm willing to go is waple's, I'm not picking up everyone, so we can all meet there as usual. Second, when we pick up Kelly she can leave her car behind and we'll drive mine the rest of the way. Third, Waple is in charge of navigation, he's been there before and hopefully knows a good route. Fourth, Thom has to bring his ipod and radio adaptor thingy. Those are my demands. Also, I can probably borrow my mom's SUV if we need more room, however it does guzzle more gas than my camry.

Thom said...

Done, and done.

Michael said...

Psh. We can totally fit everyone in my car. It's a hatchback, we can just stuff people in the back.

I don't have a roof rack for additional passengers, but I'm willing to improvise with bungee cords if need be.

Let me know, otherwise I'm fine with whatever carpooling plans we brew up since it wont be my car at risk.

Unknown said...

well I guess we'll decide whether it's you or me driving when it gets closer to the day.

as for what to worry about with our car, Kelly says Michigan City is a nice place and I found a steak n shake right off the highway, so I don't think getting towed is a problem cause they're open 24 hours. There are a bunch of fast food places right there so it should be okay.

Thom said...

Yeah Steak 'n' Shake!