Friday, February 01, 2008

Snow job/Bling reunion

Let it be noted that the primary reason it seems I'm monopolizing this blog is because I'm sticking to this "post every time you check it" idea. I hope more of you post more often.

A 20-minute drive home from work took me an hour and 45 minutes today. I hate the winter so much!

I want you all to know about this band Idlewild (the alternative/post punk group, not that cheesy other group). I've been listening to Idlewild since it first hit the scene, and I just don't know why they've never caught on. The raw energy, pure melody, and progressive metaphysics of its music and lyrics is staggering, especially with the latest two albums.

My official book release for "Out of Context" is scheduled for 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 23 at my place. Be there for the bling reunion!


Unknown said...

I'm posting about 50% of the time I look. But that's still way up from before. I'll try harder to either stay away and/or post every time.

I got a snow day today, but I was actually wanting to go to work because I was going to work out and get all these assignments from my kids that I'd be able to grade this weekend, rather than during next week. Oh well. I got things done. Changed the oil in my car (they tried to change my air filter at extra cost, but I told them I could do it myself for cheaper, knowing full well I am incapable).

Any idea who is coming to this reunion party from bling? More Jeannine?

Thom said...

Here's my new plan for posts: Replying to posts counts with the "post every time you check" idea. That way it doesn't seem like I'm flooding the blog.

As for my guest list, some pleasant surprises... (even more so than last time)

shinysara said...

sadly I don't think I'll make it to your party, thom, I'm working till 9 or 10 that night :-(

Thom said...

Sara! The party goes on well into Sunday! At the least you could do something Sunday, couldn't you? I think people from out of town will still be here...

Unknown said...

Thom, I've been counting replies as posts ever since our pact. You're still posting! Sorry you thought it had to be brand new.

I'm looking forward to the partay. Should I bring anything?

Thom said...

Hmmmm... liquor I guess. Maybe a nice pen so I can actually sign peoples' books with personal messages...

shinysara said...

yeah I don't know thom, there'd have to be some pretty sexy out of town guests coming...

Thom said...

Randall, Rob, possibly John, maybe Steve...

don't Waple and I count?

shinysara said...

hahaha I like how you left mike off the sexy list... nice. I'll try to make an appearance.

Unknown said...

Randy and Rob? That's great! John better come if Randy is. You hear that, you old, over-worked bastard?

And Thom, are you saying maybe Steve because he might be coming or he might not be sexy?

Are there going to be any sexy GIRLS there? If not, will that determine how much liquor I need to bring? AM I GOING TO CUDDLE WITH ROB AGAIN?

Puzzled in Palatine

Thom said...

I left Mike off because I have yet to get a response from him.

Randall is definitely coming. Steve is seeing if he can skip class for the nine-hour drive. Rob said he's "been known" to go to my parties (I think he'll go.) John had originally made plans with Randall before I changed the date...

I'm pretty sure Kelly Strother, Emily Hard, Lindsey Charles, Karen Ware, and almost all the girls from my job will be there.

Thom said...

Honestly, though, other than that, the guest list is up in the air... I'm still expecting some surprises.

And, yes, Waple, regardless you should get real liquored up.

Thom said...

Oh, p.s. my old friends Matt and Tyler will be there.

And there are some rumors out there about someone with the middle name "Summer" showing up...

Thom said...

I stand corrected folks: It's official- John Palmer WILL be there.

Unknown said...

Five bucks says I show up and it's just you and me, Thom, next to a big stack of your poetry books we're using as excessively tall coasters. Juuuuuust kiddddiiiiiiiiing.