Saturday, February 04, 2006

Chuck Norris is watching us, Chuck Norris is watching us... Chuck Norris is watching us from a distance.

I heard they interviewed Chuck Norris about the latest craze in making fun of him. He didn't even realize it's all making fun of him. He viewed it as complimentary and highly flattering. Further proof of how great he is, that he pretend to not be aware of the jokes. I personally think Jean Claude Van Damme should make him cry so we can have cancer cured.


Unknown said...

you've seen him sara, trust me. somewhere. usually when you're surfing the tv late at night and you see a guy break a board in half or show an asian guy why american muscle is better, it's chuck "eyes on the prize" norris.
I would like to quote a profile from a bubble friend of mine:
Chuck Norris doesn't go hunting. Hunting implies the possibility of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing.
Just google him.

Thom said...

Sara- check out the Chuck Norris blog for all the great "Norrisisms." This link is good too:

Waple- I like that hunting one. I heard SNL has been having a field day with Chuck Norris as of late.