Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Just 'cuz this is funny...

I will not lie. I was invited to join this group on the facebook. ("If I have a daughter, she will never look like this..)

The officers are just as hilarious..

"How much cock did you suck to get that smirk on your face?" - Jennifer Miller

"Get that dazzle purse out of my face or I'm gonna burn it." - Cara Smith

"Chuck Norris should give you a roundhouse kick to your overly made-up face." - Mandy Jones

"In India, we don't even recognize you as a person." - Kumar Dhruva Aggarwal

Hope you're all coming for New Year's.. it's official- check your e-mail!

JP out.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

super sweeeeeet!

YES! Everyone needs to come to chicago for new year's eve!!! Chicago totally rocks 'cause I'm here! as well as brad, thom, waple, and ben. Woooo party in chicago! This is perfect 'cause I just got new champagne glasses, and cool new coasters that are made out of shiny tinsel and they're sooo cool and now we can use them! I'm so excited.

New Year's?

Sooo... what's everyone's new year's plans?

I was thinking it might be super sweet if I drove up to Chicagoland (my family is a two-car one now!), and we could all meet and do something totally crazy and awesome.

I could collect Mike Conway and Matt Fararhahellenee, and anyone else who would be in town, we could soccermom it in the family minivan up to Chicago, then do whatever we will.

No Rob, not little boys- but something cool.

Basically, I'm looking for a massive S(C)G reunion. If not New Year's, SOON. Suggestions/thoughts?